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  • Writer's pictureTrey Harper

Thanks, at the Transfiguration

“And as [Jesus] was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” (Luke 9.29-31)

Jesus left Heaven to do what no one could: live a perfect life and die a sinless sacrifice. There are many Heavenly things that Jesus is blessed with throughout His life. At least twice He is strengthened by angels (Matthew 4.11; Luke 22.43). When He is baptized God speaks to those around Him (Matthew 4.16-17). The passage above tells us of His “transfiguration”, a changing of appearance by non-earthly source. In this same moment Moses and Elijah are seen speaking with Him. Thankfully, we are told what the conversation is about.

Jesus is going to die. This is not possible. Firstly, Jesus is God and God cannot die. In many passages God is described as “who is and was and is to come”; the “Alpha and Omega” (beginning and end); The name God gives His people to call Him by means “The self-existent One”. God cannot die. But the human form Jesus has taken on can (and does). Secondly, the wages of sin is death and Jesus has not sinned. Jesus will not sin, therefore, death cannot be a consequence of His life. This is also why it was impossible for Jesus to stay dead (Acts 2.24). But, because Jesus is willing to be murdered, He will die. The Creator will be crushed by the creatures.

I posit that we absolutely cannot fathom the temptations that Jesus went through with regard to the scenario by which He would die. “He could have called 10,000 angels”, but He took on death for those who were mocking, spitting, beating, nailing, piercing… dying in their sin. So, Jesus is talking with Moses and Elijah about “His departure”. I can only speculate them encouraging Jesus, “You are getting so close. I need You to be my sacrifice. THEY need You to be their sacrifice. Thank You for doing this. I appreciate You”. All things I hope to tell Him myself. All things my actions should tell Him every day. Thank You, Jesus.

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