“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” (Psalm 23.1-2) By my unresearched estimation this must be the most well-known psalm in all the Psalter. Immediately, for many, is conjured the warm scene of happy little lambs in a flush field. A nearby brook that babbles at a point but smooths out into a peaceful pond. Serene.
We smile at the application, knowing that our Savior provides for every need we have. I think to songs like, “He leadeth me. O blessed thought!” (Sacred Selections #50). And truly, life is better when Jesus is followed in every aspect of our life and worship.
He leads and we follow. That entire sentence requires progression. The entirety of the thought is based on moving from one place to another place. Shepherding is used throughout the Bible to describe and exemplify our relationship with God. And, a major portion of shepherding is knowing when to, and where to, move the flock.
We must trust that God knows what is best for us. We must trust that He has green pastures prepared, and calm waters for us to rest beside. Can we allow God to lead our lives? This concept is actually much more frightful than it is comforting. Where are we going? Is there actually something better? Why do we have to change pastures? And yet, shepherding teaches us that flocks must be led to new pastures.
Jesus said He is the “Good Shepherd”. He has laid down His life for His sheep. (John 10/Luke 15) Even more, He will go after all His lost sheep to rescue them. Just look at the imagery used by Luke; “and when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.”
Are you lost? Jesus is looking for you. Have you wandered away from the flock? Jesus is looking for you. Did you refuse to follow Him when He lead His flock to the next pasture? He’s longing to place you on His shoulders and carry you home. Trust Him. In Him, you shall not want. Let Him lead.